
DJ9KH/p Contest-Station on 432 MHz from JO42OX

This ist my antenna-system : 2 x 38 elements

( M² 13-WL) vertical stacked 15m above ground,

25 m above sealevel with a good takeoff in all directions :
no hills, no buildings, just flat.
T/R-Relay and GAasFet-Preamplifier between the antennas


This is my contest-station : homebrew transverter 432/28 MHz,
driver PA (50watts) and 2 Ericsson transistor-PAs in parallel
with Hybrid-couplers, about 500 watts out.

The latest contest results on 432 Mhz  .. my latest contest here ! 

Rangliste 70cm Conteste 2008

432 SO               432 MO
------------------ ------------------

1. DK5NJ 116195 1. OL7M 151692
2. DR6T 105643 2. OL4A 145225
3. DL5MAE/P 95605 3. OK2KKW 136677
4. DJ9KH/P 80971 4. OL3Z 131433
5. DF1JM 79966 5. PA6NL 122398
6. DH8WJ 78572 6. DL0GTH 109904
7. OK1COM 73321 7. OK2M 101933
8. DK2OY/P 71734 8. DF0MTL 101593
9. DJ6BS 70716 9. DF0YY 93457
10. DK0PC 64612 10. HA7P 92881

Date qso´s points km/qso rank (Germany)         Date qso´s points km/qso rank (Germany) Date qso´s points km/qso rank
Mar2005 154 42518 276 5. Mar2007 116 34232 295 7 Mar2009 175 54115 309 4.
May2005 155 44657 288 7. May2007 242 84583 360 2 May2009 194 61846 319 4
July2005 63 23377 371 12. July2007 104 33298 320 5. July2009 107 38329 358 7
Oct2005 152 46373 305 13 Okt2007 307 96469 314 8. Oct2009 237 80409 341 9
Mar2006 158 43691 277 3. Mar2008 137 42860 313 4. Mar2010 133 40404 304 4
May2006 206 61798 300 3. May2008 195 64628 331 6. May2010 208 68543 331 ?
July2006 146 51885 355 2. July 2008 72 26813 372 8.
Oct2006 273 94088 344 3. Oct 2008 248 82838 335 4.


Still trying to find a good broad antenna for receiving and cq-calling.   Pict. 1: 7El.DK7ZB, Pict.2 and 3 DL7KM Hybrid-quad old version, Pict. 4 and 5 new modelled DL7KM-quad , thanks Christian DL1RPG for computer-simulation : 16 quad elements vertical stacked, elev. 0° (?) gain 15,8dBd,F/B 20dB. I will try it in May08-contest and I hope its broad enough for cq-calling .